Here you can count down your hours until independently licensed by the year. This is an excel spreadsheet that calculates your hours automatically when you place the numbers in their cells.
How to use the hour logs
Name & working site
• Complete your name, job site and supervisor’s name at the top of the page.
Direct, Current, & cumulative hours columns
• In the direct hours column, you can place your hours in this column. This number you place in the direct hours column will pop up in the current hours column because that is the current hours you accumulated this week. It will also pop up in the cumulative hours column because that will be how many hours you accumulative thus far. (Unless you need to add hours from a previous year. This will be explained later)
• Cumulative column is the total hours you have collected over time. The more direct hours you add the higher your cumulative hours will go. This will give you the total hours you have gain for direct hours only.
Indirect hours
Placing your indirect hours in the indirect hour column will add up at the bottom in the indirect total for 2023. In the grand total indirect cell your indirect and supervision will be added together for the 2023 total. Giving you the grand total of your indirect hours.
If you have any previous indirect and direct hours total place them in the 2022 Total column for indirect hours in the row of 2022 Total so that you can have your grand total hours calculated correctly. ( Ex. 2022 Total Indirect hours: 852 Grand Total hours Indirect hours:888) The Grand total hours is the previous years hours plus the current years hours you have gained
Grand total hours & Hours left
Hours left – Here you will be able to edit to your total hours left if you are in a different state and your direct hour/ indirect hour are not 1500 requirement. Double click on the cell F63 and / G63 and the formula will pop up backspace the number 1500 and replace the number you need. Ex ( =sum( 1500- F62) change it to =sum(1000- F62) and press enter. This will adjust your hours left if you only need 2000 hours for your licensure.
Previous years hours added
If you have gained direct hours in the year 2022 in the grey box for the first week of January of 2023, you shall place your previous direct hours in that box. Placing your previous direct hours in that grey box will change the cumulative hours to totaling how many hours you have collected thus far. (Added 2022 hours Ex. Direct hours: 8 Current hours: 8 Previous hours : 10 Cumulative hours : 18 ) ( Beginning to collect hours in 2023 Direct hours: 8 Current hours: 8 Previous hours : 0 Cumulative : 8) THIS IS FOR THE FIRST WEEK IN JANUARY ONLY! The hours will automatically fill in the rest of the way
If you have been accumulating hours over time you will need to place your previous direct hours and indirect hours in the 2022 direct hours column and indirect hours column. This will assist with adding up 2022 accumulated hours with 2023 accumulated hours and counting down how many more hours you have left to go to be fully licensed.
o ( Ex. 2022 Total Direct hours : 555 Indirect hours: 852 Grand Total hours Direct hours: 574 Indirect hours:888) The Grand total hours is the previous hours you have added from previous year and current hours you have gained from the current year.